Co-op Membership
Sierra Electric Cooperative, Inc. is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Any natural person, firm, association, corporation, business trust, partnership, federal agency, state or political subdivision or agency thereof, or body politic shall be eligible to become a member of and to receive electric service from the cooperative at one or more premises owned or directly occupied or used by them.
Cooperatives are owned by the people/organizations they serve - called consumer-members. Consumer-members elect the trustees to represent them to govern the cooperative.
Application for membership is an agreement to purchase electric power from the Cooperative and to be bound by and to comply with cooperative by-laws and all rules, regulations and rate schedules that exist or may thereafter be adopted or amended.
Applicants agree to pay all applicable deposits, fees and charges for each service connection requested. Applicants agree to grant to the cooperative easements or right-of-way over, on and under lands owned or leased by the member.
Members agree to receive a free subscription to the enchantment Magazine, which is the cooperative's primary means of communicating to the member.
Memberships are either single or joint. Refer to By-laws for specific definitions.
Choose from the buttons below to learn more about membership benefits and services.
Providing quality service to our members is our priority.
If you need more information on Co-op Membership, Contact Us.