
Download Scholarship Application 

The Sierra Electric Cooperative Education Foundation was created on December 12, 1986 and adopted by the membership at the 1986 Annual Meeting of the Members as a charitable trust for the Sierra Electric Cooperative limited to educational charitable purposes.  The Foundation awards scholarships to active members, their dependents, active employee dependents and persons residing in Sierra Electric Cooperative service territory who are attending an accredited college or technical school full time in the state of New Mexico.

The Foundation is funded by unclaimed patronage capital credits and private donations, like those from the Operation Round Up program that active members voluntarily sign up for.  The first scholarship was awarded in 1990 for $250.  Since then, Sierra Electric Cooperative Education Foundation has awarded tens of thousands of dollars in college scholarships to support local students in achieving their higher education goals.

Applications are only accepted once a year.  For more information on eligibility, requirements, application and deadlines, please contact Member Services at the co-op.